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Paris Market

Planting Instructions:

Sow from early spring to midsummer, 3/4-1" apart (about 30 seeds/ft.), 1/4- 1/2" deep, in 2" wide band, or single rows 16-24" apart. For minimum soil compaction, use raised beds with 2 or 3 rows 16-24" apart, beds 5-6' on center. Sprinkle the soil surface to keep moist. Don't allow soil to crust before the emergence of seedlings which takes 1-3 weeks, depending on temperature and moisture. If soil moisture during germination is an issue, we recommend using pelleted seed. If necessary, thin young seedlings to 3/4-2" apart, depending on root size desired. Keep weed-free by tine weeding and shallow hoeing. To prevent greening, cover exposed crowns.


Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost or as soon as soil can be worked. Tamp soil firmly; keep bed moist until emergence. Germination is slow and uneven, so be patient. Th

Time: April, May & July

Planting Depth: 1/4 in.

Plant Spacing: 1/2 in.

Days to Germination (Plant Development): 70 days

Days to Harvest: 50-68 Days

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